Monday, September 30, 2019
List of Greek Mythology Characters Essay
There are many mythologies in the world, and all of these have things in common as well as differences. A very popular mythology would be Greek mythology, Which many people know about it or at least know of it. Another not as popular mythology is Norse mythology; Norse mythology is the religion of the Norse people. The Norse people are the ancient people of northern Europe (Scandinavia, Iceland, Denmark, Northern Germany etc. ) (World Book 259). A major difference between Norse mythology and Greek mythology are both cultures views of the after life and what happens there. In Greek mythology there is one allotted place for people to go after death and once they are there they stay there for all eternity. In Norse mythology there are four different places for the dead: Folkvang, Valhalla, Helheim, and Ranââ¬â¢s hall or the halls of Ran. Folkvang is the allotted area for your everyday warrior who fought and died and did nothing more. Valhalla is Odinââ¬â¢s hall where 800 of the bravest warriors go and train for the coming of Ragnarok (literally the ending of the gods or the end of the world) (Wikipedia online). Helheim is literally the house or home of Hel; Hel is the goddess of the ââ¬Å"underworldsâ⬠Niflheim (land of fire and heat) and Helheim. Helheim is the place where one who didnââ¬â¢t die ââ¬Å"gloriouslyâ⬠(Wikipedia online) or in battle goes, those who died from diseases, accidents, old age, etc. Ran is the goddess of the sea and the drowned. She is said to sink ships and collect the drowned in a net and take them to her hall where they dwell there. In Greek mythology they go to the underworld (or Hades) and they are then separated and either got to Tartarus (hell) or the Elysian fields (heaven) (World Book 257). Folkvang, Valhalla, Helheim, and The Halls of Ran are four separate areas in the world of Norse mythology where as Hades is one and Tartarus and the Elysian fields are two places within Hades. Also each place in Norse mythology is based on four different types of deaths, not by how you act (with the exception of Valhalla) but by how you died. Where as in Greek mythology there is a subconscious good and bad categorizing of your deeds and actions during your life rather than how you died. Another difference is the creatures. In Greek mythology there are three basic non-human creatures: the gods, the titans, and the nymphs. In Norse mythology there are 5 main non-human creatures: the Aesir and Vanir (gods), the Jotnar (giants), the Alfar (Alfar), Svartalfar (dark Alfar), and the Valkyries. The Aesir and the Vanir are your basic extraordinary immortals, though in Norse mythology the gods were thought to be mortal, only kept immortal by eating the apples of Idun. However, they could be slain even if they ate the apples. The Jotnar were giants or the Norse equivalent to the Greek titans, but the Jotnar did not fight with the gods in a war like the titans did with the Greek gods. The Alfar are lesser ââ¬Å"godsâ⬠that control nature. Alfar are viewed as ââ¬Å"godsâ⬠of fertility due to their connection to nature (agriculture specifically); theyââ¬â¢re not actual gods in the sense it is used but more so magically inclined creatures. Finally are the Svartalfar or commonly referred to as dwarves, trolls, dark Alfar, or black Alfar. The Svartalfar arenââ¬â¢t anything like the Alfar; they are regarded as being small, disfigured people who dwell in mountains and mounds and hate the light. The Svartalfar were master craftsman and made many things for the gods such as Thorââ¬â¢s hammer (Mjollnir) a wall around Asgard (land of the gods) and countless rings. In Norse mythology they seem to have to ââ¬Å"clansâ⬠or groups of gods, the Vanir and the Aesir. They donââ¬â¢t appear to have any noticeable differences. The Vanir are referred to as ââ¬Å"lesserâ⬠gods and are usually viewed as gods and goddesses of fertility. The Aesir are more of your standard gods and goddesses with a supreme god or goddess and other gods and goddesses with standard roles (i. e. sea, music/poetry or art, war, wisdom, beauty, etc). Valkyries are spirits that choose the wariors that go to Valhalla and take them their. There isnââ¬â¢t much information on Valkyries other than them being the spirits that choose and guide the select few to Valhalla. There are only twenty-three of them. The Jotnar were created originally from the first Jotnar (Ymir). Ymir was killed by Odin and Odin created Midgard (land of humans) from his body. Ymir was created from the collision of Niflheim and Muspellheim (land of fog, ice, and cold) in the beginning; from the sweat from his armpits were created the first two frost giants, male and female, and from them came the rest of the frost giants; from his leg came also another male giant. The Jotnar were known to mate with both the Aesir and Vanir. In Greek mythology the gods didnââ¬â¢t mate with the titans. Also the nymphs were sometimes referred to as daughters of the gods where as the Alfar, Svartalfar, and Valkyries were not. (Keenan 54) Finally, Ragnarok, or the end of the world, is the biggest difference between Norse mythology and most all mythologies including Greek. Ragnarok is the essential ââ¬Å"end of the worldâ⬠although no actual destruction of the world comes to pass during it. Ragnarok is a very detailed battle where all the warriors from Valhalla fight with Odin and the rest of the Aesir against the Jotnar and Loki (the god of trickery). This cannot be compared to anything in Greek mythology Because Greek Mythology doesnââ¬â¢t have an equeivalent to Ragnarok or anything close. In conclusion Norse mythology and often forgotten mythology is very different from many mythologies. Proof being in large difference between Norse and Greek Mythology. Death isnââ¬â¢t judged by your actions but by how you died. There are many more magically inclined creatures. Also the end of the world which no other mythology that I am aware of has. Works Cited Keenan, Sheila. Gods, Goddesses, and Monsters: An Encyclopedia of World Mythology. New York: Scholastic, 2000. Norse Mythology. (Online) Available http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Norse_mythology 3 May 2005. ââ¬Å"Teutonic Mythology. â⬠World Book. 2001 ed.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Podcasting Package Is A Viable Alternative Tool Discussion Education Essay
This chapter presents the surveies treatment. It provides an chance to explicate the significance of the findings and topographic point the research within a broader context.Major findingsAnalysis of the findings provides grounds that the podcasting bundle is a feasible alternate ââ¬Ëtool ââ¬Ë to utilize when back uping kids ââ¬Ës literacy development in twelvemonth 2. However the procedure i.e. the activities designed to scaffold the kids to the point of bring forthing a podcast, was the factor that elicited betterments in the kids ââ¬Ës speech production and hearing and non the recording of the podcast itself ( the merchandise ) . However it was of import that the kids saw the concluding podcast as the merchandise ; a mark that the activities would take them towards. Findingss from, and analysis of informations confirmed that the merchandise ( the podcast ) was the incentive for the kids instead than an indispensable portion of their acquisition. It provided the kids with a intent. This concurs with DfES ( 2004 ) findings that more positive motive resulted if engineering was focused around the larning instead than used to back up learning. The kids themselves identified that as a top acting group they had fewer chances to entree engineering than less able kids in their category. Therefore another type of engineering could hold motivated this group to make their end ; it can non be generalised that it was the podcast that offered ââ¬Ëpull ââ¬Ë . Nonetheless, though kids ââ¬Ës responses about ââ¬Ëliking ââ¬Ë composing would look to belie it, I personally feel ââ¬Ëvoice ââ¬Ë and ââ¬Ëaudien ce ââ¬Ë would necessitate to be characteristics of the engineering chosen as a word processor type application entirely would non actuate in the same manner.Meaning and importance of the findingsThis research began two old ages ago following a successful command to the TDA for support. The TDA regularly financess e-learning undertakings for instructor preparation suppliers as they recognise the importance of ICT skilled practicians in the workplace ( TDA 2005 [ online ] ) . Two old ages is a life-time in a digital universe but particularly in relation to instruction engineerings. Though the engineering used in this survey was found to be motivational, it still played a important portion in the procedure as without it the kids would hold lost focal point. Therefore in reply to the research inquiry, ââ¬Å" can a Podcasting procedure support Literacy in a Year 2 schoolroom? ââ¬Å" ; yes as portion of a procedure it can. Two old ages ago, Web 2.0 engineering was a ââ¬Ëtwinkle in person ââ¬Ës digital oculus ââ¬Ë . Now it is the pillar of many digital applications ( Godwin Jones 2005 ) . Although MP3 participants were ab initio sole to Apple Macintosh, new coevals nomadic phones now combine MP3 and other communicating engineerings in one orderly bundle. Huge advancement in a short infinite of clip. As Bull ( 2005, p.25 ) states, ââ¬Å" MP3 participants such as the Apple iPod have become the mechanism for distribution of music for today ââ¬Ës young person merely as the Cadmium and vinyl records filled this function for old coevalss. Educational utilizations of podcasting physique on the foundation of this cultural phenomenon â⬠. This presents both challenge and chance. When podcasts are broadcast to the Internet, through Web 2.0 engineering, the ensuing RSS ( Truly Simple Syndication ) ââ¬Ëfeeds ââ¬Ë allow kids to lend to each other ââ¬Ës work, wherever in the universe they may be. For case some web sites ask kids to add lines to poems, take portion in quizzes or append chapters to partially written on-line books. As Halsey ( 2007 ) asserts kids can convey the universe into the schoolroom ; and take their larning out into the universe with Web 2.0 engineering. Clearly so the potency for podcasting as an educational tool is phenomenal, but non merely in literacy lessons. Nevertheless the study revealed that current engineerings were characteristics in the sample group ââ¬Ës places. Attitudes towards a engineering seem to alter with its age hence attitude towards the currency of the motivational tool should besides be considered. So how might kids ââ¬Ës attitudes towards podcasting and speech production and hearing as a whole affect their public presentation in this type of exercising? It seems from past tendencies that podcasting itself will hold a ââ¬Ëshelf life ââ¬Ë as todays digital indigens become tomorrows digital immigrants and todays techno ââ¬Ëmust rich persons ââ¬Ë become tomorrows digital ââ¬Ëdinosaurs ââ¬Ë . Positive attitudes and motive for podcasting engineering, as it is now, will be lost. Newer technologies appear to be communicating based as Web 2.0 capablenesss move toward an even greater interactivity. This of class will assist keep a positive ââ¬Ëattitude ââ¬Ë to talking and listening, in a ââ¬Ëvirtual ââ¬Ë environment, through a combination of networking sites and digital hardware such as webcams. The usage of Embodiments[ 1 ]is one illustration of such a combination. Communication and storytelling have stood the trial of clip and I would expect this will go on but how we do it in the hereafter will alter every bit will the size and nature of the audience. In his proposal to ââ¬Ëradically ââ¬Ë pass the primary course of study, Alexander et Al. ( Primary Cambridge Review, DCSF 2009 [ online ] ) recognises spoken linguistic communication as cardinal to larning, civilization and life, but acknowledges it is much more outstanding in the course of study of many other states ( p24 ) . Possibly this could be the footing for higher accomplishment in other states instead than the ulterior school get downing age frequently identified. Reading and composing, as with other reappraisals ( DfES 2006a ) once more predominate in this reappraisal with speech production and listening one time once more dawdling behind. The authorities ( DfES 2007, DCSF 2009a ) is proclaiming that speech production and hearing are the foundations for all other larning ââ¬â so why? Why are we still turn toing reading and composing foremost? Writing is simply a method for entering ideas. Ideas can besides be spoken and/or recorded into a podcast. This would be im probably emancipating for those kids who find it hard to compose things down. Podcasting offers equal chances for all ages and abilities ; an inclusive digital tool. In the late 1980 ââ¬Ës the National Oracy Project ( National Curriculum Council ; 1992 ) recommended giving speech production and listening a higher profile and yet more than 20 old ages subsequently we are still doing the same errors. I would wish to see this research will hold significance and add force per unit area to this on-going argument nevertheless unchanging fortunes, yesteryear and nowadays, would propose otherwise.Findingss in relation to other surveiesPrensky ( 2001, 2008, 2009 ) , Buckingham ( 2004, 2007 ) and Marsh et Al. ( 2006 ) high spot ours is a digital universe and yet many schools still fail to recognize the significance or importance of ââ¬Ëskilling ââ¬Ë kids to get by with an progressively digital and altering landscape. Technology is going more sophisticated and is increasingly being aimed at and designed for younger consumers. Palmer ( 2007 p.3 ) suggests that, ââ¬Ëculture has evolved faster than our biological science ââ¬Ë and this is ââ¬Ë damaging kids ââ¬Ës ability to believe, learn and act ââ¬Ë . Prensky ( 2009 ) would differ saying that exposure to engineering is altering kids ââ¬Ës encephalon construction and demanding a new manner of larning which relies on wisdom. The little size of the cohort used for this research would symbolize that the findings offer no important support of either Prensky ââ¬Ës or Palmer ââ¬Ës stance. However the podcasting bundle offered kids a blended acquisition environment comprised of group treatments and engineering usage. This would shrive them from harm to their thought, larning and behaviour that Palmer infers can go on. These three subjects are besides recognized benefits of group working ( Baines et al. 2008 ) .The relevancy of the findingsVygotsky ( 1976 ) wrote that speech production and thought are closely linked. The procedure of speech production helps kids to larn through jointing their ideas and therefore developing the constructs needed to understand the u niverse. Communication and understanding improve with pattern. Therefore, the chance to speak is critical in order to develop apprehension. If nil else, promoting and valuing talk conveys the message that communicating is of import ; both hearing and speech production are the foundations for communicating so raising their profile is a good terminal in itself. However though Vygotsky ââ¬Ës theory sing communicating is still pertinent he could non hold comprehended how his theory would still use to our of all time germinating digital universe ; to current patterns and the diverse ways of pass oning that societal networking has brought approximately. If we have come this far since Vygotsky, how far will our kids travel and how will they get by with their journey if practicians do non promote them to develop their accomplishments. Participant observations were undertaken to back up the kids ââ¬Ës interactions with the hardware and package needed for this research. Clearly there was a demand to scaffold them at this point ; though as in Lewis ââ¬Ës instance the more knowing other did non necessitate to be me. The ZPD is the zone in which acquisition is made easier through support by important others ( Whitehead 2004 ) . These others may or may non be physically present but possibly shack in a digital universe. In other words traditional theory still applies to digital experiences but sometimes the important other may be anon. i.e. through hunt engines or ââ¬Ëfriends ââ¬Ë on ââ¬Ësocial ââ¬Ë networking sites. Vygotsky ââ¬Ës reading of the word societal would surely be limited in today ââ¬Ës ââ¬Ëtechno ââ¬Ë society.The survey ââ¬Ës restrictions( Gautreau 2006 ) notes several grounds why there are barriers to utilizing engineering in schools. Unknowingness of engineering ââ¬Ës po ssible, clip needed to larn ( larning to utilize new package or hardware and how to incorporate them into the course of study ) , deficiency of support or resources and a deficiency of engineering competency, appropriate preparation or assurance in one ââ¬Ës ability to learn with engineerings are his chief concerns. Past instruction experience has indicated that the deficiency of a concluding ââ¬Ëproduct ââ¬Ë from a ââ¬Ëlesson ââ¬Ë is frequently deemed to be a failure on the portion of the instructor and of the kid. This belief is supported by the coverage and review procedures ; frequently SATs based ( QCDA 2010 [ online ] ) used to measure a schools position through analysis of the kids ââ¬Ës consequences. This has lead to the premise that any larning achieved in such lessons should be touchable. There should be something physical to demo. However as this research has shown speech production and hearing are the foundation of other acquisition and the inquiry has to be asked, ââ¬Å" Can we measure this accurately if we are still inquiring kids to compose responses down? â⬠Again personal experience has shown that understanding is non cultivated entirely through authorship or the creative activity of something. These averments are farther supported by findings from this rese arch, gathered during observations of the kids. Listening to kids ââ¬Ës treatments revealed far more about their abilities and thought procedures than any piece of composing perchance could. Therefore appraisals, peculiarly those that are SATs based, bespeaking that larning should be evidenced through production of something physical would belie what current and past experience has shown. Of class in a ââ¬Ëdigital ââ¬Ë and ââ¬Ëvirtual ââ¬Ë universe, ââ¬Ëphysical ââ¬Ë grounds could be presented otherwise. Time became a important restriction of this research. Time with the kids was limited due to funding hence some aspects from the planning phase were non carried out. The most frustrating was stage was at the terminal as there was non adequate clip left for the kids to be able to reflect on and measure their podcasting journey. Reflection is an of import portion of the acquisition procedure. By looking back at what they have done kids can derive a deeper apprehension of both the content and the acquisition procedure itself.The hereafterDonaldson ( 1986 ) was brave plenty to oppugn Piaget ââ¬Ës experiments and his attendant appraisals of kids ââ¬Ës ages, phases and strategies. She alluded to the impression of kids necessitating a ââ¬Ëfamiliar context ââ¬Ë to be able to execute optimally and build significance from what they were making. But what is a familiar context for kids today? As grownups, are we back uping kids in a context which is ââ¬Ëcomfortable ââ¬Ë for us i nstead than familiar to them? Even more significantly are assessment bureaus besides outside their comfort zone? Should they be inquiring for grounds in different formats? Could Podcasting be one of these? ââ¬ËDigital ââ¬Ë grounds of accomplishment is more suitable to a ââ¬Ëhi-tech ââ¬Ë universe. Sing the distribution and impact of engineerings in the ââ¬Ëbusiness ââ¬Ë universe ( Phelps, Graham & A ; Kerr, 2004 ) ; force per unit area from authorities organic structures ( DCSF 2007a ) and the duty of schools to educate kids for the hereafter ( DCSF 2008 ) , the deficiency of use of digital grounds to inform appraisals in schools is perplexing. Ellis ( 1997, 2004 ) refers to ââ¬Å" emotional auto-ethnography â⬠which may hold the unintended effect of overshadowing what auto-ethnography can be and of befoging the manner in which it may suit into societal enquiry. I would oppugn the usage of 'emotional ââ¬Ë here as it implies ââ¬Ëblackmail ââ¬Ë or in research footings bias. I continue to adopt Donaldson ââ¬Ës ( 1986 ) ââ¬Ëfamiliar context ââ¬Ë , which would of class include a research worker ââ¬Ës relationship with the kids involved. For me relationship suggests ââ¬Ëknowing each other ââ¬Ë ; a comfy tantrum which leaves emotions ââ¬Ëoutside ââ¬Ë research. Emotions would hold skewed the analysis of observation and interview informations whereas the relationship between the kids and myself strengthened it. There are more practical deductions for anyone reproducing this research, or implementing the podcasting bundle. Podium package is expensive and merely necessary if broadcast medium to the World Wide Web. The sample kids were non concerned by the impression of a ââ¬Ëwider audience ââ¬Ë they merely wanted their households and ââ¬Ëimmediate ââ¬Ë equals to hear their narrative. The narrative could hold been shared by Cadmium Rom, brassy thrust or the schools intranet entirely. This would hold been more cost effectual ; would hold saved some of the TDA support and therefore allowed excess clip to work with the kids. Evaluations of the kids ââ¬Ës speech production and listening abilities followed observations, during the activities, and attendant written texts of the kids ââ¬Ës treatments, were assessed against a recognized model. These findings clearly indicated that the podcasting bundle is feasible in footings of raising speech production and hearing degrees. Prensky ( 2005 ) reminded us that life for today ââ¬Ës kids may be a batch of things but it ââ¬Ës surely non unengaging ; except in school. Children ââ¬Ës place experiences with engineering enable instructors to construct on what kids know and can make provided that those peculiar engineerings are besides available in schools. By making so, non merely are we alining pattern to Donaldson ( 1986 ) but besides reflecting Fisher ââ¬Ës ( 2007 ) ââ¬Ëstarting from the kid ââ¬Ë rule. However in some respects this is where, we as practicians, travel incorrect. Money is to a great extent invested into the latest engineering to give kids the best ââ¬Ëopportunities ââ¬Ë or environments for larning. Synergistic whiteboards ( IWBs ) and visualizers are two such engineerings. The little study revealed that at place kids are utilizing computing machines, nomadic phones, DS Lites and Wii ââ¬Ës. Though clearly there are benefits to holding IWBs and visualizers to project and portion images, it seems that the ââ¬Ëfamiliar ââ¬Ë engineerings, those used daily at place are non utilized within a school environment. Again a instance of ââ¬Ëteacher comfort ââ¬Ë opposed to ââ¬Ëchildren ââ¬Ës world ââ¬Ë . If we are trusting on kids ââ¬Ës personal lifes or digital histories as this ââ¬Ëstarting point ââ¬Ë for resourcing and be aftering in scenes, puting in ââ¬Ëunfamiliar ââ¬Ë engineerings would look to belie what we should endeavor to make. What does the instructor have to make? Nothing more than utilize a accomplishment that hopefully they are already good at: hearing. Teachers should listen to the podcasts with the kids, and assist the kids decide on the standards for appraisal. Children may hold more sophisticated cognition of new engineerings than their instructors, coercing a pedagogical displacement in the teacher function from expert to facilitator. Therefore go oning professional development has to be an of import characteristic of instructor patterns in a invariably germinating digital environment. In decision integration and using engineerings into a course of study is a complicated issue. Making known the benefits associated with engineering usage whilst besides turn toing the barriers that exist seems cragged. Traditional signifiers of literacy instruction are frequently non adequate for kids today, they need to be adapted to both entreaty and motivate and be relevant to contemporary scholars ( Buckingham 2003 ) . Thus grownups should be fixing kids for their digital hereafter instead than protecting them against it. Leu and Kinzer ( 2000 p117 ) say ââ¬Å" envisionments take topographic point when instructors, kids, and others imagine new possibilities for literacy and acquisition, transform bing engineerings to build this vision, and so portion their work with others. â⬠Envisionment has resulted from the new attack taken with younger kids and the podcasting bundle ; the subsequent bringing of the bundle to ITE pupils who in bend will circulate it to instructors in sc hools. As a research worker I would happen it interesting to test the bundle with even younger kids or in a scene whose ââ¬Ëdigital ââ¬Ë position was low in order to see ( i ) how younger kids react ( two ) if the engineering became a job instead than a scaffold.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Managing Across Cultures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managing Across Cultures - Research Paper Example The international HRM practices are the focal point of research community for a considerable period of time. Tayeb, (2001) notes that the social scientists engaged in studying management styles in various cultures could not subtract their emotions from their respective work, due to this reason their findings are not impartial. The employees are found to stand apart from adopting various methods of operating, which appears foreign to them (Kirkman & Shapiro), so the global enterprises have to select those people, who are not rigidly committed, to their indigineous ways of performing organizational tasks and readily willing to embrace new norms of doing the routine work. There is a significant positive link discovered, amongst the companiesââ¬â¢ norms and these of overall domestic nuture across various nations on the globe (Verburg, Drenth, Koopman, Muijen, & Wang, 1999). Conflict Management Strategies The term team could be referred as an entity containing individuals, these indivi duals compensate for the weaknesses of each other and support each othersââ¬â¢ strengths to achieve a common goal, often these formal groups are lead by an inidividual entitle as team leader (Sasou & Reason, 1998). Forming a team could take several years. During teamwork every individual has a distinctive task to perform, therefore when one or more teammembers are absent, they will be missed by other in the team, usuaally members of these teams are crossfunctionally trained to take up the role of others when needed common instances are football, basketball and baseball teams. The conflict of interesr could also arise within teams, often when the members constituting, an entity mentioned above have diverging objectives or goals from those of the entity. So the researchers identified the following strategies to manage the clash amongst the team members Arbitration through Openness This method revolves around frankness and low power distance among the levels of command within the or ganization (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002), so the individuals in conflict are given all means to rectify the undesirable condition and the top management does not interfere with the situation, but it plays the role of facilitator at most. This type of arbitration is ideally suitable for the cultures where power distance is low and sense of professionaism is at its best. Arbitration through Similarities This way is offshoot of the previous one, but in this case the team lead, is somewhat active in pointing out the similarities both parties have in common (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002),, thus attempt to ease the tension. Thus it is all about making the conflicting parties see each other viewpoint and practice empathy. Arbitration through Authority This method involves, leader utilizing organizational authority vested in him or her, to resolve the issue (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002), but in this modern era, this approach is discouraged, because in the long run it results in job stress and low level of organizational and job commitment among the suppressed ones. Non interference It is not a method of resolution, but it is best described as let the problems solve themselves (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002), it is the most passive approach and responsible for
Friday, September 27, 2019
Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 - Essay Example To undertake construction Ferdinand de Lesseps created a company with Egyptian partners known as the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company. At the time the Ottoman Empire had influence and control over Egyptââ¬â¢s politics. The economic crisis forced Egyptââ¬â¢s ruler to sell his shares of the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company to England. England now had considerable share in the operation of the canal along with French investors, whereas Egypt lost control over the canal and its profits. The period saw great turmoil and the wars made the potential and strategic importance of the canal apparent to all forces. The British Imperial Empire had colonies across the world and the canal proved to be essential for trade. In 1882 Egypt was invaded by the British and the country was termed an indispensable possession of the British Empire. The canal became a super highway for the British to link its trade to its colonies in East Africa, India, and Australia. Egyptian rebel groups tried to pu sh British Colonial Empire but were not successful. 2. Weakening of the British Colonial Empire After the World War II, the British Empire faced economic difficulties to maintain its colonial empire. The Indian subcontinent was left after the war and the British forces were weakened. The time saw an uprising among the Egyptians to phase out the British from the country. The British maintained presence of a garrison at Suez to protect her strategic interests. The British were allowed to maintain presence of 10,000 troops on the basis of Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 (Tucker 107). But Egyptian rebel groups started gaining popularity of the masses and pressure increased over Britain to vacate the area. The events ultimately led to a coup in 1952 and finished kingship in the country. Egypt was made a republic by the key member of the coup and the new president of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser. 3. Nationalization of Suez Canal Gamal Abdel Nasser was the second president of Egypt and gathered support against the colonialist. He shifted cooperation of Egypt towards the Soviets and the act ions were against the two super powers of the time, the British and the French. He was viewed as a great threat by the two forces. At the time the US had very less influence in the Middle East. Its main ally in the region was Saudi Arabia. Gamal Abdel Nasser moved towards Saudi Arabia for its future ties and the US saw an opportunity to increase influence in the region. The biggest step that Gamal took against the British and the French was perhaps the nationalization of the Suez Canal on 26 July 1956 (Witte 51). This step was the basis of this crisis. The British and the French militaries were exhausted and their economies were at a low stage. Gamal took over the Suez Canal without firing a single shot and the Suez Canal came under Egypt. He cancelled the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 and forced the British to vacate the canal within the next 20 months (Tucker 107). This was a surprise move by the army and the British forces were not given a chance to react. The Suez Canal Company was frozen and all its shareholders were given the share. 4. Buildup of Egyptian Army Foreseeing the threats, Gamal used his newly developed relations to build up his army on modern weapons through an arms deal with Czechoslovakia (DeRouen and Heo 346). These weapons were from the Soviets and the two countries became close allies. The Soviets equipped Egypt with modern tanks and its air force with fighters and bombers. Artillery guns were given to Egypt and Self Propelled Artillery pieces were procured from the Soviets to move along with the tanks in the desert
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Emotional Abuse in Children Annotated Bibliography
Emotional Abuse in Children - Annotated Bibliography Example He looks at the various psychological impacts the abuse can lead to in children and also some of the measures that can be put up to minimize the damage that is inflicted on children who have been victims. In addition, he states some of the ways that can be used to detect the abuse early enough so that intervention can be made to limit the permanent damage that the abuse may inflict in the children and caregivers. He states that before any action is taken, there needs to be effective confirmation of emotional abuse of the child. This will be done by a close observation of the interaction between the child and the abuser. This will be done on repeated occasions, and if abuse is suspected, action will have to be taken regardless of whether the action is committed at home, school or community setting. The caregiver will have to investigate any reports that arise of any sort of abuse as these will easily contribute to child abuse. After investigation has been conducted by Children Protection Agency, the team will provide professional opinion from say a doctor, physician or psychologist. Furthermore, other stakeholders in the legal aspect will have to be involved to ensure that all the proper actions are taken including rehabilitating the child to ensure they recover from the negative actions that they may have suffered (Oââ¬â¢Hagan, 1993). Tomison is a renown Author and Human Rights Activist who has specialized in areas such as Child abuse and Violence prevention, relationships between different forms of violence, Indigenous child protection and child welfare as well as Child protection policy and systems development. He has worked for the Australian Centre for Criminology at different capacities over the years. Dr Joe Tucci on the other hand is a trained Sociologist and Psychologist who possesses significant experience in dealing with issues to do with children. He is also a renowned author and currently the C.E.O of the Australian
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Reflective Journal Week-2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflective Journal Week-2 - Research Paper Example The speaker, Michelle DeVires BS, MPH, ICC, delivered an informative talk on â⬠Peripheral IVââ¬â¢s- Overlook source of Infectionsâ⬠and how they are a major cause of infections. APIC meets on a monthly basis, where they share their experience and information regarding current development in infectious diseases. The latest technological development regarding prevention, policies and procedures are also shared. The meeting was very informative and provided me with good knowledge and experience. I was really influenced and will be joining the group in order to benefit from vast knowledge they provide. Secondly, I was shown a survey form by Hill crest hospital. Since the Joint Commission will conduct a survey in the hospital between January and February 2015, the hospital is getting it ready for the exercise. The form stated Joint Commission preparedness and a list of things to be surveyed by the commission. I was also shown some of the standards of the commission as well its compliance list. The standards included purpose, patient population, scope, surveillance plan, responsibility for Infection Control Preventions Performance of the employees and key elements of the Infection Prevention Program. Lastly, The Infection Preventionist has been focusing on increased cases of Hepatitis B and C, since last year, within Hill Crest. The causes were stated as being the high patient population and the inability of the population, who come from poor backgrounds, seeking medical help when its late. The Hill Crestââ¬â¢s sister facility has been cited in the past due to skin infections such as MRSA and poor hand washing. Due to this fact, the facility was conducting an educational program for its staff to raise awareness about hand washing and the different germs as well as how they spread. I had an opportunity also to work with another staff
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Historical Educational Theorists Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Historical Educational Theorists Letter - Essay Example Indeed, this is a serious concern that can affect any school system, for this reason; there are certain steps that need to be taken into consideration by your administration to restore the system to its full functioning. It is important to understand that the process of real education only happens through the stimulation process of a childââ¬â¢s powers, these often comes about because of social demands that the individual child finds himself in. By interacting with these societal demands, a learner is inspired to act in a way that portrays him as a member of that community. In my perspective, ââ¬Å"I believe that in the ideal school, we have the reconciliation of the individualistic and the institutional idealsâ⬠(Dewey, 2013), therefore, you need to outline clearly these separate ideals. In this way, the learner finally graduates to become a useful and reliable member of the school and community. In my view, ââ¬Å"I believe that the child should be stimulated and controlled in his work through the life of the communityâ⬠(Dewey, 2013), and not being forced to conform to the system that is set. Therefore, what exactly needs to be done? I would prefer that you play the leading role as a leader of the institution to create an environment in which learners can know how to interact with various systems in the school. In this case, create core values that the administration and school community can uphold, they should be values that facilitate proper communication, respect, love and excellence among others. Through these needs, learners will find themselves with the urge to behave in certain ways that are in line with the core values set. Keep in mind that the school is a social community where learners, teachers and other stakeholders play a crucial role in shaping the values of a child for life. The management problems and the poor relationship that exists in your institution can be due to lack of proper awareness about the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Software Development, QA, Anti-Piracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Software Development, QA, Anti-Piracy - Essay Example al havoc upon corporate entities, the strategies which companies employ for both the design and implementation of their corporate policies are of singular importance. Referring to both theory and practice, this essay will investigate the strategies companies utilize for the design and implementation of their security policies. Todorov (2007) highlights the imperatives of implementing physical security policies. Even while conceding to the importance of automated, computer-mediated security systems, Todorov (2007) contends that the importance of physically securing sensitive sites within a company cannot be overlooked. Concurring, Fernandez and Sinibaldi (2003) explain that the securitization of sensitive physical sites within a corporate structure is comprised of four principle components. First is the management of physical locations, whereby the access control system policy should be designed and implemented with the purpose of controlling access to locations/sites. Second is the control of who may access a restricted room. As different types of employees may have access to different areas/sites within the company, it is necessary to implement an authentication and authorization role-based access control system. The said role-based access control system does not simply identify who may and may not acces s particular sites but keeps logs with appropriate auditing facilities of the employees who entered each room at any particular time and date. Thirdly is the design and implementation of application interfaces which allow administrators to create new permissions, users and locations which, in turn, would allow supervisors to generate audit reports to survey access to rooms and to allow users to change passwords, among others (Fernandez and Sinibaldi, 2003). The often technology mediated securitization of access to physical sites is dictated by the imperatives of ensuring that no unauthorized persons are able to gain access to sensitive data or, indeed,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 87
Reflection - Essay Example The patient is also encouraged when you smile and comfort him. I gave the patient fruits and multivitamin tablets. What I realized from this medication is that, a patient under malnutrition tends to react positively faster after taking multivitamin. This also improves his appetite. Seeing a smile on the patients face really motivated me. I felt useful, confident, and also helpful to people who seek my help. It is normal for one to be slightly low in mood, but when you impact positively on the people you serve, definitely it cheers you up. The experience I had today make me feel important and proud of my presence in the hospital. My goals in future is to improve on my knowledge and skills on how to handle patients that feel they have lost hope. I have also decided to diversify my skills within the hospital by participating in other hospital activities that are not within my field of study. Additionally, I plan to learn new things daily in order to sharpen and improve my interest to handle
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Romeo and Juliet - Fight scene Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet Fight scene Essay In the opening of the fight scene the Montague boys are in their car driving towards the gas station messing about playing their music very loud . in this part of the scene the boys are all laughing and shouting until they pull into the station itself and then realize their worst enemies are there this makes some of the Montague boys very nervous. The Capulets act as if they are in charge, almost as if the Montague boys are on their territory. The Montague boys try to intimidate the Capulets by one of the boys biting his thumb at the Capulet boys. This irritates them and this meeting turns into a big brawl and everyones guns are drawn ending up with everyone being involved. In this scene there are many different sounds all causing different affects some of these sounds are clearer than others being things like the swish of one of the Capulets coats as he swings to look at the Montagues, Tibalts metal heels as he walked they hit off the floor making a very loud noise and could be heard clearly when stepping out of the car, the fire blazing especially when the fire is lit by the match, The gun dropping this was aloud claming sound, when the match is dropped and crushed when Abra grits his teeth. A gun also hits the tins on the shelf in the garage and this causes the bullets to ricocheted off the sign. There are also several occasions in the scene when there are different voices heard there are different tones of voice and also pitch conversations were heard between the players. Near the end of the scene a helicopter was heard from the sky and the police siren was also heard . All of these complete the scene and also make it as dramatic and intricate as it is. The music in the scene is very important . It gives the scene depth and also dramatic points . It changed a lot during the scene from the Montagues rock music playing in their car when they pulled up to the station to very religious and even very western music. These different types of music shows the real sides of each family and person . the music was chosen to fit the characters for example Benvolio would not be suited to slow classical music where as Tybalt might get away with it . Its like when each different family pulls up there are two different types of music so you can get an idea or pick up their trade mark if you like of what they are all about. In the fight scene there are two very different styles of family each and every thing completes or adds to their style for example we have talked already about the music and attitudes but their dress code is 1 of the key elements. For example the Capulets are very Spanish in their styling with there flowing leather coats, bright waist coats etc. this is also shown with the way Tybalt move whilst shooting and generally moving about the station. Also on the Capulets waistcoats were very religious icons but apart from that there style of clothing was mainly black. In direct contrast the Montague boys were complete opposite dressing very casual and beach like suiting their location this included brightly colour Hawaiian style beach shirts and shorts. GCSE English media assignment Love scene In the opening of the love scene the Capulets are having a party, sort of a live show it is very slow and romantic Romeo has taken a pill and feels a bit dehydrated so he decides to go to the bathroom whilst he is in the bathroom he notices a fish tank and starts to look at it in a bit closer detail, whilst looking into the tank he notices Juliet through the tank and it is love at first sight . the fish tank is made up of blue and yellow fish just like the colours of the cars in the fight scene when Romeo and Juliet meet the fish swim together representing a join of the families as they are supposed to be worst enemies . The two of them watch each other and follow each other through the tank for a while until the nurse calls and Juliet is dragged away. Romeo then follows Juliet out and Juliet is ordered to dance with Paris. Whilst Juliet is dancing Romeo watches and talks to Juliet about them meeting. they both wait till the song finishes and run to the lift where they shares there first kiss together and then many more whilst they are kissing the nurse walks in and tells Juliet that her mother seeks her . Romeo and Juliet are both shocked to find out their true love is yet their worst enemy. In this scene there are many different sounds but yet totally different to the last scene we studied the sounds in this scenes are far more romantic and dramatic for example the music is very slow and peace full suiting the scene very well. When they both run to the lift the music changes slightly as it sort of get your heart going as if they are taking a naughty risk and being sort of childish in away. The other sounds in the scene consist of the lift doors dinging when they shut adding to the dramatic effect and also the sound of the feet running along the corridor. There are also a lot more conversations and voices heard in this scene most of which are either very loud or very quite for example whispering or even mumbling of the crowd. There are also lots of different types of shots involved in this scene for example there are lots of close ups, long shots, double headers and over the shoulder shots these are all used during some point of the scene. some where. As they give more dramatic or romantic feels to the scene fitting in perfectly. An example of a close up is in the lift where Romeo and Juliet share their first kiss and the camera circles them giving the illusion of it lasting longer. All of these different shots complete the scene and the dramatic features it needs are all included. These all help us to understand the scene better. There is a wide range of costumes in this scene all with a meaning and they seam to represent for example Romeo as Juliets knight in shining armour and Juliet as his angel. In the scene they are both dressed very appropriately for each other but dont realise that their true love is their worst enemy. This is the first meting but what they dont realise is that it is also the beginning of the end.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Liberal And Illiberal Democracies In The 20th Century Politics Essay
Liberal And Illiberal Democracies In The 20th Century Politics Essay The turning point in the 20th century was declaring the victory of liberal democracy on world level, this is what Fukuyama said in his famous book the end of the history which at the same time overlook the crimes of liberal democracy against the non-European people.That is, the end point of mankinds ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.(Fukuyama,1992). It is easy to establish this hypothesis on some historical evidences. So after the fall of Fascism in 1945, soviet communism was the main alternative to the western liberalism, but even this collapsed by the outbreak of the revolutions in the Eastern Europe countries between 1989 and 1991, rejecting government principles of planning and interventions. As in Africa, Asia and Latin America the democratizing of the political system is done by the proliferation of different parties and the growing tendency towards economic reform which is based on the market. Thos e continuing operations reflect the obvious superiority of the liberal ideology over other competitive ideologies. The future seems to be apparent by the shrinking of the economic and political difference at different rates to meet all on the liberal democratic model. According to Fukuyamas argument, the victory of liberal democracy is the only solution that is capable to live and continue. Fukuyamas concept consists of two parts that are associated with each other. First is liberality: the existence of a limited author of the state that allows individuals and citizens to exercise a great deal of personal freedom and their capability to participate in political life by giving them the freedom of expression and other different things. The second part is democracy: which means, in Fukuyamas perspective, the real capacity of people to choose the governments they want. Fukuyama tries to emphasize that the U.S. is not the ideal model for his idea of liberal democracy. But at the same time he refuses any other model along these lines, so when the Chinas communism model was introduced, Fukuyama responded quickly by saying that Chinas economic success was due to their capability to get rid of the socialist system and introduce their economic freedom as a substitute: Japan may offer an alternative to Americas liberal democracy and combine a successful economy with social bonds. (Fukuyama, 2009, 85).In fact that is true but what China needs to be a liberal democratic country is to get rid of the single party system and support the multi-party democracy. Fukuyama believed that liberal democracy and the market-oriented economic system are the only two alternatives that are able for application in the modern societies. Now the World has seen the progress of the West over the rest of other societies, this is due to their belief that progress at both the scientific and theoretical sides goes back to their faith in liberal political thought. The democratic experiment in the West took root through the law of the market and the transfer of power to the socialist parties in more than one European country; all this confirms the credibility of the liberal democratic model in the world. To understand the differences between liberal and non-liberal democracy: Liberal democracy does not just include elections and establishing some official democratic foundations like parliament and courts, it also includes the creation of free press; the rule of law; an independent judicial system; the rights of minorities, the freedom of speech; the ability of parties and individuals to seek to divert official positions peacefully through competitive elections as well as the establishment of independent civil foundations that are in charge of solving civilians problems apart from any governmental control. Non-liberal (illiberal) democracy, which was established by the journalist and the editor Fared Zakaria, means a system in which elections are made where civil liberties and civil rights as well as the multiple dimensions of a real democratic society are severely limited or non-existent. Societies that were under the effect of totalitarian governments and were affected by ethnic and sectarian divisions were the most affected ones by such internal conflicts. So Zakaria was trying to illustrate that liberty and democracy can only be connected in the western societies and not for the third world societies, that is because the liberal democracy system is not just about free elections, it exceeds that to include the rule of law, the separation of powers as well as the protection of fundamental freedoms to citizens such as the freedom of speech, of movement, of listening, of ownership and the freedom of religions. Zakaria believed deeply in democracy and mentioned that democracy has moved from being a form of government to a way of living (the future of freedom,2003), but this didnt prevent him from criticizing this phenomenon, especially when it separated from liberalism its mixed partner in the West to an extent that may cause an imbalance in governments power which could impede its performance or affect it negatively. To criticize illiberal democracy Zakaria set Hitler as an example who get to power through democratic elections, the point is that many dictatorship governance system around the world use the election system à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Which at the same time ignoring the constitutional limitations on its authority andà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦.its citizens from their fundamental rights . Within this competition, still the differences in opinions between democracies a continuing problem, often these democracies differs among themselves about important political options such as the promotion of democracy, international economic policy and how best to respond to threats of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, failed stats, ethnic conflict, violations of human rights. Despite the calls for formation of Commonwealth of Democracies to à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦for the weaknesses of the United Nations, the European Union and other international institutions to face the worlds problems, still the common standers remain over where should draw the line between liberal democracy and illiberal democracy a big problem. We cannot find lots of countries that wish to give priority to such a gathering upon their provided obligations to its regional bodies and other institutionsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ To sum it up, the fall of the Berlin Wall two decades ago, the collapse of communism, the end of the Cold War, as well as the success of rebels in Ukraine and Georgia are all signs of real progress for democracy. Thus the future victory has to be for the liberal democracy system according to Fukuyama and Zakaria. The way of living today is a democratic way in spite of all the conflicts; the information revolution; the tendency to an open environment towards liberalization and the critical demonstrations demanding freedom like the way now in Iran. The other side of democracy or the negative side is that it can be used for violence, violence is becoming democratic in the way that any group of people are able to exercise violence and bombing without resorting to the state apparatus. Accordingly, terrorism is spreading under the name of democracy. Accordingly, the success of democracy is not inevitable. And as many American leaders starting from Roosevelt, Truman ending with Obama by say ing that the aspiration for freedom of democracy is fundamentally a human yearning. In the 1990s Francis Fukuyama claimed that liberal democracy had won the twentieth centurys ideological battle. In contrast, Fareed Zakaria argued that the emergence of illiberal democracies threatens to discredit liberal democracy itself, casting a shadow on democratic governance. Systematically discuss and analyse the foundations of Fukuyamas argument and how it has been countered by other liberal thinkers like Zakaria. Do international relations in the 21st century support or undermine the idea of Liberalisms victory?
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Cause and Effect Essay - The Causes of Americaââ¬â¢s Social Problems
Cause and Effect Essay - The Causes of Americaââ¬â¢s Social Problems The causes of social problems exist on many levels. When we ask why social problems such as poverty, unemployment, crime, and war exist, each time we determine a cause, we can ask "why" again, as children often do until they are hushed. Poverty exists because some folks can't find jobs or the jobs pay poorly. But then why is the wage level so low? Because of the tax and land-tenure systems. Why do we have those systems? Because special interests pay to legislate it. Why do special interests get away with it? The voting structure lets them. Why does that structure exist? The voters don't demand to change it. Why not? When we dig down through all the layers to the roots of the causes, we find three fundamental causes of social problems: ignorance, apathy, and greed. The ultimate remedy for social problems therefore must confront all three root causes. It does little good to just run down the street shouting "share the rent!" or "stop war!". Uttering a slogan does no good unless it arouses sympathy. As an example of the interplay between ignorance, apathy, and greed, consider the problem of pollution. Suppose the most efficient preventative is a pollution charge based on the damage caused by each pollutant. However, the government regulates pollution instead, a policy failure that needlessly reduces employment and economic growth. One possible cause is ignorance. But suppose the best policy is known. The owners of the polluting industries seek to influence legislation to prevent the best policy. Because of their campaign contributions and other favors, the government adopts the poorer policy. The cause in this case is greed, both by the influence seeker... for social problems, including the economics, politics, and ethics of the problems and solutions. Then when they educate others, they must at the same time invoke their antipathy to the problem and arouse their sympathy with the remedy. When the masses are roused with sympathy and armed with knowledge of the remedy, the few greedy opponents will either be swayed themselves to join the righteous battle, or be overwhelmed by the greater force of the righteous revolution. To remedy social ills, replace ignorance, apathy and greed with knowledge, sympathy, and charity. Works Cited George, Henry, 1879, Progress and Poverty. New York: Schalkenbach Foundation, 1971 Henry George Foundation web site, Accessed on 8-26-04. Holy Bible. Authorized King James Version. Ed. C.I. Scofield. New Scofield Reference Edition. New York: Oxford UP, 1999.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A Christmas Carol - short review :: Free Essay Writer
A Christmas Carol - short review A Christmas Carol was published on 17th December 1843 in Victorian England. Victorian England was not a very nice place to live and Charles Dickens didnââ¬â¢t have the best childhood; his father was a clerk who was taken away from him and imprisoned when he was 12. Some people say this was how he became such a good writer ââ¬â from all the problems he had as a child. England was a horrible place during these times ââ¬â for example, there was child labour, where people got children to clean their chimneys as they were small enough, but it turned out the soot from the chimneys was carcinogenic, meaning it activated cancerous cells. There was also the Poor Law Act, which meant if you had lost an arm and were unable to work you had no way of gaining money. People also believed that you had to have money to be gentleman. There was the class system that meant if you were born into a working class family you would often die in a working class family ââ¬â there were few chances to become rich and famous. Dickens often looked at life as a child; for example in Oliver Twist, David Copperfield and Great Expectations. This could be one of the reasons that Dickens chose A Christmas Carol to be at Christmas, as he thought it would appeal to the child in everyone. Many people believed that Dickens wasnââ¬â¢t just someone who wanted to make money, even though he was a workaholic. What he really wanted to do was to provoke authority to take responsibility for the problems that people were having in the country and Christmas was the best time of the year to do this. Dickensââ¬â¢ use of imagery in the novel gives a great sense of surroundings and what Scrooge and all the ghosts look like. For example, here is a line from A Christmas Carol, that is just about the weather, ââ¬Å"It was cold, bleak biting weather; foggy withal; and he could hear the people in the court outside, go wheezing up and down, beating their hand upon their breasts, and stamping their feet upon the pavement stones to warm them.â⬠Smiles and metaphors help us to portray and compare images in our heads and Dickens does this very well throughout the book. In A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is the novelââ¬â¢s protagonist. We know this as everything in the book has some sort of connection with him. In the novel Scrooge is represented as a misanthropist, i.e. a person who hates his fellow men. This kind of novel where a person changes
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Mary Shelley Essay
When he first arrives at Inglestadt, he goes to visit one of his tutors, hoping to make a good first impression and appear eager and willing to learn, showing both his enthusiasm for the subject and respect for his future tutor. However he is met with a stout man with a ââ¬Å"repulsive countenanceâ⬠who informs Victor, upon hearing his list of previous reading, that ââ¬Å"every instant that you have wasted on those books is utterly and entirely lost. â⬠This is a huge anticlimax for Victor and this immediately manipulates the sympathy of the reader in Victorââ¬â¢s favour. This is important as the sympathy for Victor must be strong enough for the reader not to feel utterly repulsed by his later transgression. It will also provide Victor with deniability, as he has been mistreated by his tutor and possibly feels the need to prove that the research carried out by his first inspirers was not in vain. Victor has a very close relationship with his mother before her premature death; some interpreters may even go as far as to imply that he suffers from the Oedipus complex, and holds passionate feelings towards her. Whether this is deliberate, or simply a common misconception, it undoubtedly renders Victor more worthy of the sympathy of the reader. Victor suffers almost constantly from what a modern reader might well describe as ââ¬Å"mood swingsâ⬠, but I believe that the original intention of Shelley was to condemn him as an un-confessed manic-depressive. Shelley uses provocative language to good effect when manipulating the compassion of the reader towards Victor. This is shown when he finds the lifeless cadaver of his beloved Elizabeth on their wedding night and almost collapses whilst exclaiming ââ¬Å"Great God! Why did I not then expire! â⬠This technique is widely used in gothic fiction as it is very proficient in influencing the sympathy of the reader in any way the author wishes; in this case in Victorââ¬â¢s favour. Frankensteinââ¬â¢s creation is shunned and persecuted from the very day of its re-resurrection up until the day of its bereavement. The absolute epitome of this discrimination is when its own creator, to whom the creation owes his very existence to, turns against it on the night of its animation and is horrified by what he has done ââ¬Å"How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form? â⬠Frankensteinââ¬â¢s creation was offered no choice of whether it was to be re-awakened or left to lie in peace where its components were originally laid to rest. This evokes sympathy in a reader as numerous people were brought up in poor homes and large families and can perhaps empathise with the creationââ¬â¢s sense of incompatibility in society. When Frankenstein and his creation meet in chapter 10, many different literary techniques are used to established sympathy in favour of Frankensteinââ¬â¢s creation. One technique used is dramatic setting, ââ¬Å"the surface is very uneven, rising like the waves of a troubled sea. â⬠The words troubled sea carry connotations of formidable weather and a faint sense of woe. This sets the scene for a miserable and desperate confrontation between creator and creation, and I think the sympathy is at this point transferred to the creation, as he has had to cross the sea of ice without the help or comfort of any man-made aids, and probably with little sustenance of real nutritional value. Another technique used during Frankensteinââ¬â¢s meeting with his creation is emotive language, for example ââ¬Å"Devil, do you dare approach me? â⬠This fierce greeting shows us just how anguished Frankenstein is but somehow renders his creation more worthy of the readerââ¬â¢s sympathy; this is possibly because he doesnââ¬â¢t really know that he has done anything wrong, he has just responded to the way people have treated him. In inference, I think that Mary Shelley intended for the sympathy of the reader to be evoked in favour of Frankenstein rather than his creation, but for the issue to be largely open-ended. I believe that when the novel was written, Frankensteinââ¬â¢s creation would have been feared rather than disliked particularly; but in todayââ¬â¢s superficial society, it would be almost unanimously hated just for being different. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section. Download this essay Print Save Hereââ¬â¢s what a teacher thought of this essay 4 star(s).
Monday, September 16, 2019
Theme of Revenge in Hamlet
In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the theme of revenge is so prominent that it could be considered its own character. The vengeance in Hamlet is essential to the development of Laertes, son of Polonius, Hamlet, prince of Denmark, and Fortinbras, prince of Norway. Revenge is an unnecessary evil causing humans to act blindly through anger rather than through reason. Referring as far back as Hammurabiââ¬â¢s idea of ââ¬Å"An eye for an eye,â⬠revenge is merely a chain of wrongdoings stimulated each time by a reciprocated act of evil.Revenge is set to conquer anyone who comes to seek it. In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Hamlet while there is the theme of revenge, that theme is divided into two separate entities. There is Laertesââ¬â¢ active seeking of vengeance and ââ¬Å"Hamletââ¬â¢s inner struggle to take action. â⬠(Shmoop 1) Laertes is extremely quick to take action to avenge the murder and suicide of his only remaining family. Returning home from an adventure for his own e ducational purposes, Laertes learns of his father murder by a sword through a tapestry.Upon arrival, Laertes finds his delusional sister, Ophelia, too involved in her songs of ââ¬Å"Hey nonny, nonnyâ⬠to really understand anything happening at that moment. Ophelia drove herself to an actual insanity from death of her father, or perhaps the rejection of Hamlet. Hours later, Ophelia is found in a pond after she committed suicide. Laertes wishes to seek revenge on Hamlet for his direct and indirect cause of his familyââ¬â¢s deaths. Claudius is now also presented with his chance for his own revenge against his nephew, or his son in accordance with his incestual marriage.However, Claudius is only seeking ââ¬Å"revengeâ⬠for fear of being found out, and hides his cowardice by helping Laertes kill Hamlet. Hamlet is a completely different example from Laertes. Through his fatherââ¬â¢s ghost, Hamlet is given the task of avenging his father in his untimely death. ââ¬Å"Reve nge his foul and most unnatural murder. â⬠(Act I, Scene iv, Shakespeare) Hamlet was given multiple opportunities to take the life of his uncle, but failed to do so. Not even sure of himself or of the request the father of his ghost, that he may or may not have seen, demanded. To be certain of Claudiusââ¬â¢s guilt, Hamlet decides to re-enact the murder of his father with the production of The Murder of Gonzago (known also as the play within the play or The Mousetrap). â⬠(Shakespeare-online 2) ââ¬Å"The playââ¬â¢s the king Wherein Iââ¬â¢ll catch the conscience of the king. â⬠(Act II, Scene ii, Shakespeare) However, even when he is completely sure Claudius is guilty of killing his own brother, he still finds trouble acting. Hamlet finds Claudius after the play to exact his revenge, but finds Claudius praying.With his sword at the ready, he starts to talk to himself about how he cannot kill his uncle while his father is ââ¬Å"Doom'd for a certain term to wal k the night, And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature Are burnt and purged away. â⬠(Act I, Scene iv, Shakespeare) Hamlet actually manages to convince himself to not act now, and that another opportunity will present itself. If Hamlet had only taken the time he used to talk to himself to quietly listen he would have notice Claudiusââ¬â¢ inability to utter a prayer, leaving the perfect opportunity untaken.What does separate Hamlet from others around him is his reason for his revenge. Hamlet achieves his revenge in the final scene of the final life. ââ¬Å"In large part his course to the fifth act is the result of his moral sensitivity, his unflinching discernment of evil and his determination that it shall not thrive. â⬠(Prosser 1) His ââ¬Å"hatred of corruptionâ⬠and his ââ¬Å"vision of what man should beâ⬠fueled him through all his pretenses into his final moments.While ââ¬Å"Hamlet is definitely a great e xample of a typical revenge tragedyâ⬠(NovelGuide 4) he is unique in the way he hesitates in his path to destroy what is evil and to preserve whatever little good is left. Hardly mentioned at all, there was another character in Hamlet that received his revenge at the end of the play. Fortinbras, prince of Norway set off to regain the lands of Denmark, which were lost to King Hamlet Senior years ago. Fortinbras was returning to win back his lands, which he did, and he did so very peacefully.Fortinbras regained the lands that were rightly his, as there were no more heirs to the Danish throne. Horatio almost foreshadows the movements of Fortinbras, but no further of him is mentioned until the end of the play. ââ¬Å"Now, sir, young Fortinbras, Of unimproved mettle hot and full, Hath in the skirts of Norway here and there Shark'd up a list of lawless resolutes, For food and diet, to some enterprise That hath a stomach in't; which is no otherââ¬â As it doth well appear unto our stateââ¬âBut to recover of us, by strong hand And terms compulsatory, those foresaid lands So by his father lost. (Act I, Scene I, Shakespeare) Fortinbras choice for revenge is the only one that ended up with no more murder involved. All three characters, Laertes, Hamlet, and Fortinbras, were so obsessed with avenging their fatherââ¬â¢s death, nobody survived to be able to gloat about his victory, except for Fortinbras. Revenge is characterized by a chain of bad choices with another individual feeling he is obligated to make the situation fair once more. Hamlet by William Shakespeare is powerful play that exemplifies the cruelty of revenge and how much anger and how little reason are truly involved.There is never a real need for revenge, as more of it will eventually lead to the demise of everyone involved. Thousands of years before Shakespeare wrote his plays, Hammurabi created the first law book, almost foreshadowing the dangers of revenge. ââ¬Å"An eye for an eye will lea ve the whole world blindâ⬠, while murder for murder will only lead to more murder. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Elizabethan Revenge in Hamlet. â⬠Novel Guides. Web. 1 Jan 2013. ;http://www. novelguide. com/ReportEssay/literature/shakespeare/elizabethan-revenge-hamlet;.Prosser, Eleanor. ââ¬Å"Hamlet and Revenge. â⬠HowlandPak. HowlandPak, Web. 1 Jan 2013. ;http://howlandpowpak. neomin. org/powpak/cgi-bin/custom_page_display. pl? id=thomas. williams;cp=28;. Mabillard, Amanda. ââ¬Å"Revenge in Hamlet. â⬠Shakespeare Online, 12 2011. Web. 1 Jan 2013. ;http://shakespeare-online. com/playanalysis/revengetragedy. html;. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. London, England: 1603. Print. ââ¬Å"Shmoop. â⬠Hamlet. Shmoop University, Inc. Web. 1 Jan 2013. ;http://www. shmoop. com/hamlet/;.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan
SOCIAL DIMENSIONOF EDUCATION ARTICLE21: SOCIAL SCIENCE THEORIES OF EDUCATION Education is one of the major institutions that constitute society. There are various various social science theories that relate to education. These are; consensus, conflict, structural functionalist and interactionist theories. Conflict theory deals with the emergence of conflict within a particular human society and the larger issue for this theory is the role the education plays in maintaining the prestige, power and economic and social position of the dominant group in society.The conflict theorists are interested in how societyââ¬â¢s institution like ââ¬âfamily, government, religion, education, and the media may help to maintain the privileges of some groups and keep others in subservient position. The Consensus theory is seen as the equilibrium state of society based on a general or widespread agreement among all members of a particular society. This theory in which social order and stability/ social regulation form the base emphasis. It emerged out of the society of social order and social stability / social regulation.The consensus and conflict theories are reflected in the works of certain dominant social theorist such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and other social theorist. Structural functionalism is concerned with the functions of schooling in the maintenance of social order. It asserts the society is made up of different institutions or organizations that work together in cooperation to achieve orderly relationship and to maintain social order and social stability.It has four functional imperatives for all ââ¬Å"actionâ⬠system- ADAPTATION,GOAL ATTAINMENT, INTERGRATION, LATENCY- to be used at all levels of theoretical system ( includes action system, personality system social system and cultural system). Interactionist theory about the relation of school and society are critiques and extension of the functionalist and perspectives. Symbolic interact ionism is interested not simply in socialization but in interactions between students and students and between students and teachers. All types of interactions refine our ability to think.It views the self as socially constructed in relation to social forces and structures. The learners are necessary to examine individual decisions in the context of a set of needs, preferences an individual has and values they seek. The critical decision process must be regarded as a continuous process integrated in the interaction with the environment. The analysis of individual decisions is concerned with the logic of decision making and rationality and the invariant choice it leads to. [2]Structural Functionalism makes 7 main assumptions. These assumptions focus on several levels of analysis [society, community, individual, social unit (e. . family, organizations)]: â⬠¢Systems have a property of order and an interdependence of parts oSocieties and social units are held together by cooperation and orderliness â⬠¢Systems tend toward self-maintaining order, or equilibrium oSocieties and social units work best when they function smoothly as an organism, with all parts working toward the ââ¬Å"naturalâ⬠or smooth working of the system â⬠¢The system may be static or involved in an ordered process of change â⬠¢The nature of one part of the system has an impact on the form that the other parts can take â⬠¢Systems maintain boundaries within their environments Natural (external) environments are separate but adapt to each other.The same dynamic occurs within societies and/or social units ââ¬â if one or more parts significantly conflicts with others, others must adapt â⬠¢Allocation and integration are two fundamental processes necessary for a gives state of equilibrium within a system oDivision of labor and positions help maintain balance; each part interrelates to create efficiency and harmony; the most capable individuals must be motivated to fill t he most important roles/positions â⬠¢Systems tend toward self-maintenance involving control of boundaries and relationships of parts to the whole, control of the environment, and control of tendencies to change the system from within You, the Teacher, as a Person in Society To become a teacher is no joke; your influence on your students and on the people with whom you work and live depends a great deal on your philosophy as a person and as a teacher.The teacher philosophy in life and our philosophy of education serve as your window to the world and compass in the sea of life. The teacher teaches the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA)-paragon of values. Why teach? 1. Reshape the society in an instant 2. Education in charge of change 3. Reformed the people through education 4. Transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge 5. Teach the children to become model in the community 6. Teachers are loco-parentis of the students. Teaching may not be a laucratic position. It cannot guarantee financial security. It even means investing your personal time, energy, and resources.Sometimes it means disappointments, heartaches and pains. But touching the hearts of people and opening minds of children can give you joy and contentment which money could not buy. These are the moments we teach for. These are the moments we live for. ââ¬Å"A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth. He shall, therefore, render the best services by providing environment conducive to such learning and growthâ⬠quoted by: Code of Ethics of Professional Teacher Article 3. These Pillars of Education are crucial to peace and mutual understanding. They emphasize the value of education as a manifestation of the spirit of unity.These stern from the will to live together as active members of a global village and contribute to attainment of a culture of peace. LEARNING TO KNOW- that is acquiring the instruments of understanding. It implies learning how learn by developing oneââ¬â¢s concentration, memory skills, and ability to think. If the teacher has been helping students to develop their skills that would make them independent learners, you are doing well on the first pillar of education because you have prepared them for life in the knowledge society in which we all now live. A truly educated person nowadays needs a broad general education and opportunity to study a small number of subjects in depth. LEARNING TO DO- represents the skillful, creative and discerning application of knowledge.One must learn how to think creatively, critically, and how to deeply understand the information that is presented. LEARNING TO LIVE-together in peace and harmony requires that quality of relationship at all levels is committed peace, human rights, democracy, and social justice in the ecology sustainable environment. LEARNING TO BE- refers to the role of Education in developing all dimensions of complete parson: the physical, intellectual, and ethical integration of individual into a complete man. Why teach? So that students will understand that they are unique person who are willing to accept responsibility based on their thoughts, feelings, and aspiration. What to teach?Open to wide option, let explore by giving activities, they have unique personality, provide students vicarious experiment, to unleash their own creativity and self-expression, they have focus upon the actions of historical individual, they encourage vocational courses, learning is self-paced, self-directed and values clarification. Addressing Students' Needs: Students of Different Backgrounds quoted in Adapted with permission from Shari Saunders and Diana Kardia; Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan, adapted from Chism et al. , 1992. ââ¬Å"It is vital that you view every student as a unique individual regardless of the student's cultural background, while at the same time respecting multiple cultural he ritages and their impact on learning styles and classroom expectations.This is not a simple task, and there is no simple way to accomplish it. You cannot be prepared for every possible situation that might arise. Instead, focus on being open to different perspectives, being aware of stereotypes and prejudiced behavior in your class, and being ready to help every student in your class become engaged in the material and learn. For instance, you would do well to try incorporating the achievements of Latino scientists into your curriculum to encourage and inspire Latino students. However, if the approach appears to be an act of tokenism, some of your students might feel as if they are being singled out or patronized.A better approach is to try and make the material relevant to students of many backgrounds whenever possible ââ¬â even if your class does not contain every single demographic. Such an approach will benefit all of your students in expanding their knowledge and perspective . You also should remember that the fact that a student is African American does not mean she or he will be able to or desire to speak about famous African Americans in science. Allowing students to express their views is beneficial whenever possible, but you should never expect someone to ââ¬Å"speak for their people. â⬠Every student is a different person, and should only be asked to speak for him or herself. â⬠Factors Affecting Social Development TERM PAPER IN PROF.ED 3 IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURSE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS IN EDUCATION SY: 2012-2013 (2ND SEMESTER) Presented to Mrs. Consuelo C. Abadiez Instructor By Patrocinio Cael Gamboa Jr. There are cultural changes that influence the behavior and ways of life of the people in different countries throughout the world such as Multiculturalism and students subcultures. Teachers one of the best position to understand and recognize that students have diverse cultural backgrounds and can adapt their instruction to meet these diverse learning needs Factors Affecting Social Development By C. Seefeldt Pearson. Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall Childrenââ¬â¢s development of social skills is affected by the nature of their family and early educational experiences (NRC, 2001).Whether in a nuclear, blended, or extended family; a communal arrangement; or a single-parent family, the child learns social patterns and skills within this context. Children find love and security and form attachments with people who protect and care for them. In the family, children become socialized through interactions with parents, siblings, relatives, and neighbors; once in a school setting, they need new ways of acting, relating, and socializing. Children who have had a strong attachment to a nurturing figure and see themselves as separate from this nurturing figure are ready for a group situation. Children who have not fully developed strong attachments to another person may have a more difficult time adjus ting to the complexity of the social system of the school.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
My Philosophy of Life Essay
Nowadays, in the XXIst century people are living life of the constant pursuit for money, successful career, what is making impression that only those values are important. Than they have to stop for a while and contemplate about their life goals, their life philosophy. This essay will present my philosophy of life. First of all, the most important thing for me is my family. According to my rules, they are always on the first place, and can count on me, just the same like I can count on them. I was raised by my parents to be a good man who tries to be always kind and helpful for the other people and live in harmony with commandments of my religion. The next thing about my philosophy of life is a proper attitude what means that I have a lot of faith in myself and I am taking challenges with believing in final success. Optimism is very important in manââ¬â¢s life and we cannot forget about it, because it helps in bearing up with difficulties. Having friends is also important; however, the point is to choose wisely and surround yourself with well-wishing and loyal people which wonââ¬â¢t stab you in the back when you will need help. My philosophy of life tells that I always have to be myself and listen to my heart as much as I listen to my mind and to play along with the voice of my conscience. I believe, that man should develop himself, every time try to experience something new and always use an opportunity to increase his knowledge in order to be conscious and intelligent. Summing up, I am convinced that the best way to achieve happiness is to be loyal to your family and friends man who has optimistic view on future, as my philosophy of life says.
The Importance of Being Beautiful
In Sidney Katzââ¬â¢s summary of ââ¬Å"The Importance of being Beautifulâ⬠, she suggests that more attractive people can advance faster and easier in life than their less appealing peers. Katz explains her theory with different examples. One example is person perception, which is a branch of psychology that examines many ways in which physical attractiveness, or lack of it, affects all aspects of life. This helps explain the halo and horns effect. The halo effect is perceived as being beautiful, more generous, trustworthy, sociable, modest, and interesting. Whereas the horns effect people are perceived to be physically unattractive, there for they are mean, sneaky and dishonest. Katz also talks about how being physically attractive can help advance your career. If a man is six feet or taller, he will succeed in his career. If women are glamorous, they get higher pay and promotions. She also explains how old age and beauty has its advantages. Katzââ¬â¢s theory explains at nursing homes and hospitals doctors and nurses give better care to the beautiful. The doctors and nurses feel that beautiful patients are more likely to respond to treatment. Everyone judges people on either their looks or simply by what they wear. It is human nature for people to do this. The world shouldnââ¬â¢t be like this but unfortunately it is. Hopefully one day the human population can change the way people perceive one another. In the article ââ¬Å"The importance of being Beautifulâ⬠, Sidney Katz suggests that being beautiful has its advantages. Katz states many different examples and theoryââ¬â¢s on how being beautiful has its advantages. The author provided significant detail for her theories. Katz presents two points that seem to be true and one point that doesnââ¬â¢t seem to be true. The author explains that being beautiful will help with a career or job. I would have to agree with Katz, based on personal experience. I was up for a job at a hospital against a girl who had experience, I had no experience. I ended up getting the job because of my appearance. The author continues with her theory on old age. She explains that nurses and doctors give better care to the beautiful. I personally would have to disagree with her theory. I have worked in the health care field and have not witnessed anything like this. I believe that Katz should have investigated more into the nurse and doctors personalitiesââ¬â¢. Katz also has a theory on the halo and horns effect. I would have to disagree with this theory. She explains that the halo effect is perceived as being beautiful which then goes on to say that they are assumed to be trustworthy. The horns effect s perceived to be not as attractive; these people are stigmatized as being mean. With my experiences through life I have learned trust no one, no matter what they look like.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Fortune-Telling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fortune-Telling - Essay Example Some of the people at the carnival were suspicious of fortune-tellers and as they walked past the booths they made fun of the gypsies. 9. One gypsy explained that telling fortunes was less about helping others' lives than to make his own living. One gypsy explained that telling fortunes had more to do with making a living than it had to do with helping others. 10. Fortune-telling is difficult to categorize because it is neither a science, art, or religion. Fortunte-telling is difficult to categorize because it is not a science, an art, or a religion. Combine sentences and expand the sentences with details to add interest and variety. 1. Washington is the only state named after a president. Many cities and counties are named after presidents. Many cities and counties are named after president, but only one state is named after a president: Washington. 2. California is bordered by the Pacific Ocean. There are many islands, waterways, and rivers not to mention the evergreen forests near the coast. California may be bordered by the Pacific Ocean, but many islands, rivers, and forests can be still found near the coast. 3. The car battery would not start. The battery was dead. I called a tow truck. I called a tow truck since the battery was dead and the car would not start. 4. She was not like her sister in fact they were total opposites. She was nothing like her sister; they were total opposites, in fact. 5. Ricky Martin will remain my favorite singer although he has fallen out of fashion and I think he is terrific. He has done some free concerts for good causes too. Although he has fallen out of fashion, Ricky Martin is still my favorite singer both because he is a terrific vocalist and because he... 8. Holly was told she was going to be a beauty someday. At sixteen she was thin. She was severe. She wore thick glasses down on her nose. Her shoulder bones showed through her shirt. They seemed to puncture her skin. Holly had a severe appearance characterized by being so thin that her shoulder bones seemed to puncture right through her skin. Despite the fact that her shoulder bones actually showed through her shirt and the fact that she wore thick glasses that continually slipped down her nose, she was told she would one day be beautiful.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Training and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Training and Development - Essay Example Re-training is crucial for baby boomers, because it will help to avoid labour market crisis and slow growth. Following Dohm, "The current tight labor market situation could be exacerbated, hindering prospects for economic growth and putting a greater burden on those remaining in the workforce, perhaps forcing them to work longer hours" (Dohm, 2000, p. 17). There is, therefore, a continual need for the process of staff development, and training fulfils an important part of this process. Retraining should be viewed, therefore, as an integral pan of the process of social policy. Critics point out that many unions are recognising the importance of training in relevant skills for baby boomers to sustaining the job security of their members. As a result they are seeking to bring training more centrally into the collective bargaining arena, with the setting up of joint training agreements. For some employers this may be an important route to developing a joint approach to managing change. Among the recommendations is that public and private sectors should develop the line managers' contribution to training. Without re-training an... Training and development activities are important to both public and private sectors, but which may not arise as a development need because public and private sectors have been attending to it rather well. The need for re-training might only show up in the assessments if organizations stopped doing it. These may be in part things that individuals believe are desirable for the development of their own careers, routine things which line managers see as important to improve an individual's performance, and in some cases perceptions of needs which do not really exist, because of a change in the situation that neither the individual nor the line manager knew about. Today, the main task of federal agencies is to identify the gap in training and technological changes, to classify it by level and category, and to attach estimates of the numbers of people involved. Categories might include: Immediate requirements driven by organizational needs; Longer-term organizational needs (including such things as induction initiatives); Short-term remedial needs of individuals; Career development needs of individuals; Things individuals would like to do, but which have no direct corporate benefit. It is predicted that: "there will also be an increased need for employment-related services by persons between the ages of 45 and 54, below the SCSEP age level of 55" (Poulos, Nightingale, 2005). These suggestions can help to identify some of the issues that should be considered by public and private sectors when making their own policies. Economists mention that it is difficult to provide and develop a universal solution which will immediately fit every organization, but re-training policies is the best way to overcome labour shortage
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Gender and Sexual Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gender and Sexual Studies - Essay Example This essay demonstrates that academic literature on indigenous family violence indicates that men were permitted to hit their wives and children. On the other hand, it was rare for a woman to hit a man, no matter how much wrong a man commits. Any form of punishment meted out to men was determined and exercised by community ââ¬Å"eldersâ⬠who mediated most family issues (Vheim, 2013:39). The question as to why men were allowed to judge and prosecute women so quickly while their transgressions were judged by ââ¬Å"high courtsâ⬠is another grey area that creates confusion in the everyday understanding of gender violence issues (Otto, 2013:26). In retrospect, it is important to consider that societies have always been patriarchal in nature; there are little or no documented examples of matriarchal societies. Modern thinking, although it accepts that society is still patriarchal, has been geared towards creating a balance between genders or a sense of balance that insinuates equality. For example, contemporary everyday understanding holds that all children, regardless of their genders, must be given equal opportunities to access education and other basic services (Otto, 2013:29). However, academic literature on indigenous family violence postulates that men and women are unequal from childhood, with young girls being inferior to boys and therefore second-class citizens when it comes to access to any privileges. The evolution of mentalities has created two perspectives on gender issues that oppose each other (Vheim, 2013:37). The first world is that informed by academic literature on indigenous gender issues, and the second is that informed by modern views on gender issues.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Maritime Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Maritime Economics - Essay Example Maritime economics refers to the business of shipping which is considered to be quite intriguing. The shipping industry which marked its commencement with the transportation of cargoes has been witnessing increased significance owing to the related advantages and prospects in the field of international development (Cullinane, 2011). Shipping is considered to be a service based industry that is believed to grant the sustenance with regard to the global trade. The subject of maritime economics is believed to have developed and grown based on the study that is supposed to relate to the past record of shipping, for instance contractual understanding relating to shipping as well as trade (Talley, 2012). Performance evaluation indicators are considered to be essential in order to gauge the operating competence with regard to the shipping industry. It is regarded as essential to draw attention to the condition related to operation performance with the intention of further enhancing the performance. There has been stated to remain available numerous kinds of indicators for the reason of using them for assessing the results attained by the shipping companies or the seaports. The prevailing indicators are believed to be of great use owing to their easy computability with the help of the accessible information. The application of the indicators would enable the evaluation of the performance of a particular shipping company and ascertain the degree of contentment of the obtained results. The performance indicators is learnt to gauge the performance of the shipping companies in sectors like tanker, offshore, container, dry bulk and other miscellaneous sectors (Trujillo & et. al., 1999). It needs to be mentioned in this regard that the indicators related to performance measurement is not regarded as structured, comprehensive or constant. The indicators that are used to gauge the performance of the shipping companies is done with the
Monday, September 9, 2019
E-Commerce Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
E-Commerce Proposal - Essay Example . It would create a market for the product and would entail various sales opportunities in Taiwan thus meeting the demands of the people and making large customer base for the same. The website ââ¬Å"www.World-Brand-Saving.comâ⬠would list all the various luxury products from US market and make sure to list it in the website for sale to Taiwan citizens. â⬠¢ Demand evaluation: The survey techniques with newspapers and magazine reviews would take care to fetch average demand for branded products. Once the evaluation is done the correct dimension for such products are ascertained and a purchase plan is prepared accordingly. â⬠¢ Price sensitiveness evaluation: The price in Taiwan market for the branded products are evaluated and compared with the price at which it can be fetched from the US market. Various evaluations are taken care for the purchase of the product at US stores, delivery of the products in Taiwan, maintenance of the products in warehouse, if required, cost of traveling and wages and salaries of the people involved in making it possible. â⬠¢ Procurement process: The branded products of US primarily namely Coach, Burberry, Gucci would be directly fetched from the stores and warehoused. Another option that can be exercised is the very purchase of the products at order and thus saving the cost of warehousing. â⬠¢ Delivery model: The various models for supply chain require an evaluation and would be analyzed for effective and efficient delivery of the products.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Retrieval Medicine in Paramedics area( Case study 2) Essay
Retrieval Medicine in Paramedics area( Case study 2) - Essay Example A thorough and more subsequent examination presents and ensures that enough information is acquired prior to prescribing a particular treatment for the patientââ¬â¢s condition. The initial step is to ascertain the cause and identify management options and goals for pre-hospital treatment. Conferring to the prior description of the findings, it is evident that the patient is under stark pain from the kick sustained from the bull. This is explained by the tightening of the abdominal muscles. The abdominal rigidity is obviously caused by the prior injury sustained for kick. This spontaneous body reaction automatically happens to aid in averting the discomfort that might be instigated by pressure on the abdomen. The flail segment on right lateral chest wall with dyspnea indicates that the patient has difficulty in breathing patients, thus, the preliminary method to assessment starts by the evaluation of breathing, the airway, and circulation. The patientââ¬â¢s Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS shows a score of 15, which is pretty much normal and the SpO2 level, is regular as well depicting the patientââ¬â¢s high level of consciousness. The patientââ¬â¢s state of dyspnea can be attributed to panicking due to the accidental incident. The cold and clammy state of the patient explains there might be a possible anxiety attack, internal bleeding or majorly low blood oxygen levels brought about by the shock on the patient. The notable and most advisable approach to resolving the medical status of the patient would require assessment and stabilization of patientââ¬â¢s airway, breathing and circulation. This is the first priority before a physical and medical history examination would ensue to identify further information regarding the patientââ¬â¢s status. Subsequently to the effective controlling of the victimââ¬â¢s air circulation and breathing, the essential preference for the paramedic team would be mandatory to transport the patient to the nearest
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